Consumer NZ survey reveals New Zealanders face rising healthcare concerns amid ongoing financial uncertainty
The latest Consumer NZ Sentiment Tracker results reveal that New Zealanders continue to grapple with financial uncertainty and growing concerns about healthcare services.
- 39% of respondents identified healthcare as a key issue, up from 27% in October 2024 and 23% a year ago.
- Healthcare is now the second-biggest concern, growing rapidly, with increased anxiety about the healthcare system’s ability to meet
demand and concerns about the affordability and quality of healthcare services. This rise sees the issues of crime, climate and broader economic stability dropping in importance since the last survey, in October 2024.
- Health themes that emerged from our research included concerns about access and wait times, cost, staff shortages and burnout, resourcing and infrastructure, inequities, as well as the quality of healthcare services.
- Healthcare concerns have risen across all age groups, but older New Zealanders remain most vocal, with 65% of those aged 70 years and over identifying healthcare as a top issue, up from 46% in October 2024 and 41% a year ago.

What we heard
“So much under funding is making the health system worse, I'm going to have to get private medical insurance.” – Female, 35-39 years, Otago
“That ALL people requiring healthcare receive it in a timely affordable manner. Seeing ones GP should be affordable for all to prevent costly issues later.” - Female, 70 years and over, Hawke’s Bay
“Concerned about the standard or availability of healthcare being a postcode lottery. Insufficient numbers of GPs. Unsubsidised dental care rules out this important healthcare option for a lot of adults. Healthcare workers are not well paid and are put in dangerous situations.” – Female, 55-59 years, Wellington
Healthcare at Consumer NZ
Jon Duffy, Consumer chief executive says the data is showing the healthcare system is failing to meet consumer expectations.
“Given the central role the health system plays in all of our lives, it is concerning to see such a rapid rise in consumer anxiety about the system's ability to meet even basic needs."
“We remain committed to covering and answering big questions about consumer interaction with a range of healthcare topics to support better wellbeing outcomes.”
Cost of living still the top concern
Cost of living is still the top issue (64%), with financial pressures remaining a significant concern, while anxiety about unemployment has risen from 9% a year ago to 15%.
Declining trust signals broader discontent
Trust has declined across various sectors, with notable decreases in trust in the government (down 8 percentage points) and a 7-point drop in trust in the healthcare system.
About our research
The Consumer NZ Sentiment Tracker is a quarterly survey that gathers insights from 1,000 New Zealanders, providing a snapshot of public opinion on key issues, including financial stability, consumer spending and trust.
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