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Dylon SOS box with t-shirt
Research report
2 March 2017

First Look: Dylon SOS Colour Run remover

Dylon SOS Colour Run promised it would “turn back the clock on most colour run disasters”. Did it work?

My Dylon Colour Catcher trial left me with four lilac T-shirts. I’d washed bright white T-shirts like an idiot, mixing them with cheap towels and unwashed black jeans I knew would run with the wash temperature turned up to 11 (60°C). I’d ignored all the advice my mum gave me about washing clothes and all the warnings on the Colour Catcher box. I got what I deserved: lilac T-shirts.


Enter Dylon SOS Colour Run. It promised to “turn back the clock on most colour run disasters, restoring fabrics to their former glory”. I had the perfect test case.


This time, I followed the instructions closely. In the box are two identical sachets – you use both in a wash. Why two? I have no idea. The product is added straight into the drum, then stained clothes go on top. To achieve “best results”, I ran at 60oC with no detergent on a cottons wash.

SOS Colour Run isn’t just for whites – Dylon makes another bleach-based product for that. This one is safe to use on coloured clothing, only removing the unintentional colours. That’s a clever trick. It means it could return the gleam to the white collar of your retro All Blacks jersey after a washday disaster. Bleach would be no good for that, unless the nation’s favourite rugby team decided “All Greys” would be a better moniker. I don’t pretend to know the science behind it, but a note on the box says “Always treat colour runs when they are fresh if possible”. This suggests it works on accidental dye before it becomes set in the fabric.

So how did it perform? Was my $5 T-shirt back to gleaming white? Not quite. But the SOS Colour Run product did make a significant difference. With a second treatment, as recommended on the box for “strong discolouration”, I’d fancy its chances of getting close. However, at $11.99 per wash, it would get costly. It’s not worth it for cheap white T-shirts, but for saving pricey retro rugby jerseys, it would be money well spent.

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