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16 August 2022

Ignoring ‘Do Not Knock’ stickers now illegal

Changes to the Fair Trading Act a win for consumers.

Door-to-door traders who ignore a ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker face fines of up to $30,000 now that changes to the Fair Trading Act have come into force.

Any uninvited seller who ignores a sticker, or other written or verbal direction not to enter your property, will be liable under the new rules which kicked in on 16 August.

As well as fining sellers who ignore the stickers, the courts can order the cancellation or variation of a sales agreement, as well as compensation.

Do not knock news

Consumer NZ has been calling for this law change since 2014. Since then, we’ve distributed more than half a million stickers to consumers to keep out unwanted sellers.

If you don’t have a sticker but have told the seller to stay away, they must do so for two years.

In another change to the Fair Trading Act, unconscionable conduct has been banned for sellers of goods and services.

The term ‘unconscionable conduct’ isn’t defined in the act but is generally regarded as serious misconduct that goes far beyond what is necessary or appropriate.

Traders who engage in unconscionable conduct can be fined up to $600,000.

How to get a ‘Do Not Knock’ sticker

If you’re a Consumer member, you can get a sticker by filling out this form.

If you’re not a member, you can get a sticker from any Resene ColorShop or store that sells Resene paints.

Or download a printable version of the sticker here.

Do not knock promo

We need your support

Consumer NZ is a 100% independent, not-for-profit charity. We've distributed over 500,000 free Do Not Knock stickers since 2014! Without your help we simply couldn't offer stickers and advice for free. To help us keep printing stickers, please consider supporting our campaign against door-to-door sellers with a donation.


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