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9 May 2018

New, improved Consumer magazine coming June 1

Our flagship magazine will from June become a bumper edition – double the content, published every two months, and more focused on the issues that affect us all.

Our flagship magazine will from June become a bumper edition – double the content, published every two months, and more focused on the issues that affect us all.

When we published our first Consumer magazine in 1959, it was the only way Kiwis could see how products performed when independently tested. Today the information landscape has totally changed. This means our magazine has to evolve too.

Recently we asked you, our members, what you wanted from Consumer magazine. The answer was content that really delved into areas that mattered for all consumers.

So, from June, our magazine research and investigations will be even more in-depth. The first issue will have a winter theme, where at least 30 of the 84 pages will have advice about staying warm this winter. We’ll be using our knowledge and databases, built over many years at Consumer, to give you the best advice on what to look for in a heat pump, which is the most efficient way to heat your home, handy tips on how to make your house more cosy – and for tenants, what to expect from your landlord.

Future topics for in-depth coverage include making the most of your finances and what to look for in a KiwiSaver scheme, transport (particularly electric cars and bikes), and healthy eating and living (how to sort the bogus claims from the ones that matter).

We’re interested in hearing your ideas about issues you’d like us to investigate.

We’ve also taken the opportunity with the launch of our new magazine to switch to more environmentally friendly paper.

As a not-for-profit, more than 80% of our funding comes from our members, which makes it important we stay relevant to your needs. If you have any feedback about the changes, you can email us at [email protected].

We hope you’re looking forward to our new-look magazine as much as we are!

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