Product review
November 2024
WiFi routers and mesh networks
Boost your internet performance by choosing a new router using our comprehensive test results and buying guide.
November 2024
Deco X58-4G
Free* or $4/month
Free* or $4/month
Wireless broadband piggybacks off the mobile network to deliver your internet connection via cell towers. This Deco is the 4G wireless broadband router of choice for both One NZ and Contact, and it's a good one. It's lent for free on a 12-month contract from One NZ, or for $4/month from Contact.
Note that we haven't tested the actual 4G service for either of these companies, only the quality of the router itself, so your mileage will vary depending on where you live and how your home's set up. The X58 also works with fibre, so if you want to switch to a wired connection later, you should be able to do that.
Test results
78WiFi performance
82Setup and ease of use
Good points
- Very easy to set up.
- Very easy to customise.
- Good wired performance.
- Good long-distance performance.
- Supplied by One NZ and Contact.
- Supports 4G internet.
- Supports WPA3 encryption.
Bad points
- No obvious bad points.
Provided by internet companyOne NZ; Contact
Cost when provided by internet companyOne NZ: Free on 12 month contract; Contact: $4/month or $99 upfront
Mesh system
Number of units in packVaries
Compatible with fibre
Compatible with ADSL/VDSL
Compatible with 4G/5G
More performance scores
Multi-device performance66
Obstructed performance57
Long-range performance73
Wired performance83
Highest WiFi versionWiFi 6
Weight of main unit580g
Ethernet LAN ports2
USB portNo
Physical power button
Other buttons/switchesReset
AerialsInternal only
Wall mountable
Quick start guide included
Ethernet cables included1 per device
Can create guest networksYes
WPS available
Supports WPA3 encryption
Quality of service (QoS)Yes
Parental controlsYes
USB drive sharingNo
Member reviews
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Avoid the Deco X58-4G (review continued ...)
(As commented on above.)
Another dire disadvantage is that the user MUST have an account with tp-link to configure and run the system. This is perhaps OK while this product is supported. When support is stopped these devices will likely become useless paper-weights. Or if Google/Apple changes depreciate the app. This risk is artificially created because there is no way for the user to directly interface with the hardware. (Refer some of the comments on the website referred to in my other review.) This might also have been included in Consumer NZ's review (although not immediately obvious and easily overlooked).
Recommend it?
No, this product has too many drawbacks.
Richard & Kathrina
Used 1 month or less