Find the best fridge for your home with our buying guide and test results for 70 new and 121 discontinued models.
Can't decide which fridge to buy? Find the best fridges in NZ with our guide and expert picks. See test results for fridge-freezers, french door, and large fridges from Samsung, Fisher & Paykel, Haier and more.
Buy the best fridge for your kitchen

We've tested over 50 fridges on food safety, temperature, and much more. Find the right fridge for your needs with our test results.
Best fridges and fridge-freezers of 2024
Top-performing fridge-freezers
Best value fridge
Most Stylish fridge-freezer
Most customisable fridge-freezer
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What you need to know when buying a fridge
A new fridge should last 10 years or more, so it's important to make the right choice. Check out the top questions and features to look for from our fridge buying guide.
Size and space: Make sure your fridge is the right fit for your kitchen.
Energy Rating Labels explained: These labels can help you spot the energy-hungry models that can end up costing you more. We explain what Energy Rating labels are and how to read them.
Interior layout: Finding the perfect fridge isn't just about exterior - it's also about the interior layout to suit your storage needs.
Noise: The fridge is one of the few household appliances that is always running. This means a loud one can become a major annoyance.
Buying second-hand: We tell you what you need to look for when buying a second-hand fridge.
Get the most out of your fridge
Make your food last longer by organising your fridge and places food in the correct compartments. Plus, our top tips for maintaining the right temperature in your fridge-freezer
People's Choice
Our People's Choice awards are granted to brands that consistently rate above average for customer satisfaction and meet out other performance criteria. Become a member and see which brands have earned a People’s Choice award.
Which brands are most reliable?
We asked thousands of Consumer members about their experience with products they've used to find out which brands are most reliable and satisfying to own. The results are available to members and Digital Pass holders.
Complete your kitchen set up
Find top-quality freezers, ovens, and cooking appliances to enhance your cooking space with our test results.
How we test fridges

Our expert testers assess the latest fridge-freezers for temperature fluctuations, uniformity between the fridge and freezer, and much more.
Our overall score combines test performance (how well the fridge works) with predicted reliability (how likely models from the brand are to remain free of faults) and owner satisfaction (how likely owners of the brand are to be very satisfied).
We’ll only recommend fridges you’ll love to own, that work well and keep working well for a long time.

We know your rights
Got a problem with a faulty product, received shoddy service or been misled by a retailer? Our expert advisers can provide clear, practical advice that you can trust.
We've tested 194 fridges.
Find the right one for you.