We bought sun shelters from chain stores and online outdoor stores. Some products made UVE claims, but we also included shelters that didn’t make claims to see how well they’d protect you from the sun.
An accredited lab tested the shelters to the Australian Standard for knitted and woven shade fabrics – AS4174:2018.
Te Whatu Ora – Health NZ funded our testing.
What we found
Shelters that met UVE claims
Three of the four shelters that made UVE claims, met those claims in our test. They all measured “most effective”, which blocks 95+% of UV radiation.
Kmart Anko Hayden Beach Shelter, $55.
Kathmandu Retreat Beach Shelter V3-S, $120.
Hollie & Harrie Sombrilla Shade Tent, $195.
Shelters that didn’t meet UVE claims
The other Kmart product we tested only provided “effective” protection – not the “most effective” protection claimed.
Kmart Anko Pop Up Beach Shelter, $22.
A Kmart spokesperson told us this product has been tested by an accredited independent lab and found to meet its UVE95+% claim under both the relevant Australian and international standard.
Shelters that used the wrong claims
Four other shelters we tested provided effective or higher protection, but the packaging made ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) claims. UPF claims should only be used on clothing, and it isn’t appropriate for sun shelters to make these claims. According to the sun protection clothing standard, products such as shade structures provide less protection than clothing because they aren’t close to the skin.
Torpedo 7 Sol Express Family Sun Shelter, $200.
Kiwi Camping Lagoon Ezi-Up Beach Shelter, $130.
LiFE! Sumatra Sun Shelter, $170.
Marquee Medium Sun Shelter 0188068, $33.
We’ve contacted the companies about the use of these UPF claims.
The distributor of LiFE! Sumatra Sun Shelter told us the product we tested was imported in 2021. In 2022, the LiFE! brand started using UVE ratings on their sun shelters so all LiFE! beach shelters imported after 2022 will display the appropriate rating.
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